Project No. 19 – construction of a primary school with kindergarten, teacher´s rooms, kitchen and sanitary facilities with water tank in  Ban Dung, Duong Hong commune,Bac Me district, Ha Giang province in the north of Vietnam

Status May, 14th, 2018: On May 14th, 2018, the LOAN Foundation team (LOAN Stiftung, Isabelle Müller and Corinna Buchholz) visited at one’s own expense and not at the expense of the foundation the village of Ban Dung, Duong Hong commune, Bac Me District, Ha Giang Province in the north of Vietnam.

The district of Bac Me is 53 Kilometer far from Ha Giang city, located at the east of the province. It is next to Yen Minh district in the north, next to the districts of Lam Binh and Na Hang in the province of Tuyen Quang in the south, Ha Giang city and the district of Vi Xuyen in the west and Bao Lam district in the province Cao Bang in the east.

The district has one town and 12 communes. The total land area of Bac Me is 85606,45 ha (10,77 % of the provincial area) and it is located in the middle of the provinces of Ha Giang and Cao Bang. The population of the district is 46879 people (9299 households) coming from 14 different ethnic minorities. The largest minorities are: Dao (37%), Tay (22,34%) and H´Mong (22,21%). Remaining minorities such as Kinh, Hoa, Pu Peo, Giay and Nung are also represented. The rate of poverty is 36,5% (3792 households or 10375 people).ölker_Vietnams

The commune of Duong Hong is located at the east, 30 kilometers far from the district center, and is one of the most difficult communes of Bac Me. The total land area of the commune is 4256,55 ha with 857 households (4299 people). 374 households are poor (43,64%). The commune has 10 hamlets and 8 ethnic minorities living there, mainly Dao, H´Mong and Tay. 

Ban Dung hamlet is 8 kilometers far from the communal center, located west, with 1,5 kilometer beton road and 6,5 kilometers land road. The total population is 401 people (77 households). The two ethnic minorities Dao and H´Mong live there. The rate of poor households is 51,95%, or 214 people. Most people live mainly from agriculture, scattered on the mountain side. The socio-economical situation is underdeveloped and the education level is extremely low.

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The “school” of Ban Dung belongs to the boarding primary school of Duong hong commune in Bac Me district, about 8 kilometers far from the communal center. It is still quite difficult and dangerous for the teachers and the students as well to reach the school, especially when the tiny trail, 5 kilometers long, is wet in the rainy season. An old downgraded wooden hut had been used for a long time as school, but in the meantime it got too small and no more secure enough for the children. For that reason, two new places have been chosen, dividing the children into 3 classrooms at one place and two other classrooms at another place, one kilometer away. Still, even if there is now more space, the situation is not much better. Both “schools” are made of wooden boards hammered together, there is no door or window, the floor is earthy, sanitary facilities and kitchen are none. Both buildings rather look like cowsheds. There is no teacher´s room. During the week, the teachers have to stay in spare rooms of locals. Because the number of children is increasing and adequate classrooms are missing, the age-based education cannot be guaranteed. During the rainy season and in the winter, many children stay at home instead of going to school.

In the next school year 2018-2019, about 90 pupils are expected, 32 among them are poor. All the children belong to some ethnic minority. They should be divided into 5 classrooms: 1 classroom with kindergarten children, 4 classrooms with primary school pupils. Five teachers are available. Together with the population, the teachers wait yearningly for a central, “real” school. The construction of this new school would bring a direct benefit to 90 children, 5 teachers and 401 people (77 households) of Ban Dung hamlet. Infrastructure would be developed. The children would have a better access to education. The families would be relieved and poverty successfully reduced.

We recognize the urgency of this project and discuss on the spot about the situation. In order to make it financeable, we propose to save costs where it is possible. All parties are willing to join hands: Some land next to the construction site that is needed for this project would be available and donated by the locals. The population, the representatives of the commune and the school staff declare unitedly to destroy the old classrooms by themselves and prepare the ground of the construction site. Their will and hope are immense. We want to help.

Together with our Vietnamese partners, we used plans and cost estimates to determine what is needed. Looking towards the future, the hamlet of Ban Dung is in need of the following:

5 classrooms, 3 teacher´s room, 1 kitchen, sanitary facilities with water tank, 4 sets of blackboards for teachers, 30 chairs for kindergarteners, 5 sets (table and chair) for teachers, 30 sets (table and chair) for primary pupils

Overall funds needed: approx. 63.000,00 USD (or approx. 54.800.00 €)

As a turnover foundation, the LOAN Foundation (LOAN Stiftung) can provide help directly. We would like to carry out this project, but are dependent on every financial donation. We remain optimistic that we will be able to collect the necessary funds.

In cooperation and in continuous contact with our Vietnamese partners, we will as always supervise and guide this project personally and on site. We will report on the progress regularly.

We would be delighted if you were to provide us with moral and financial support in this endeavor. Thank you very much!


Status October, 2018: On October 9th, 2018 the LOAN Foundation (LOAN Stiftung) team (Isabelle Müller, Corinna Buchholz) visits (at one’s own expenses and not at the expenses of the foundation) the village of Ban Dung, Duong Hong commune, Bac Me district, Ha Giang province. The construction site is ready. For the joy of all, the LOAN Foundation (LOAN Stiftung) will pre-finance this project and sign the according contract on 10.10.2018 in Ha Giang city.
Status January, 2019: On 21st January, 2019 the official groundbreaking ceremony took place. The acceptance of construction work for this project is set on May, 2019.
Status March, 2019: On March 19th, 2019 the LOAN Foundation (LOAN Stiftung) team (Isabelle Müller, Corinna Buchholz and Truc Pham) visits (at one’s own expenses and not at the expenses of the foundation) the village of Ban Dung, Duong Hong commune, Bac Me district, Ha Giang province. Due to the bad weather of the last months the construction works could not start as planned. The trucks could not bring construction materials to the site. We arduously tried to reach the site on our own with motorcycles and needed a lot of time. The clayey paths were definitely too slippery. By mutual agreement, we decide to wait for dry weather in order to bring construction materials to the site and postpone the handover ceremony to Autumn 2019. We are confident that we will succeed. Security first!:)
Status April, 2019: Since some trucks with construction materials tried to reach the site and got stuck in the mud, the main big holes of the path to Ban Dung got fixed first by hand. After a while an excavator founds its way and finished the repairs. Now the constructions works progress well. The first fundaments show up.
Status May 2019: On May 11th, 2019 the LOAN Foundation (LOAN Stiftung) team (Isabelle Müller and Corinna Buchholz) visits (at one’s own expenses and not at the expenses of the foundation) the village of Ban Dung, Duong Hong commune, Bac Me district, Ha Giang province. With many efforts we finally reach on motorbikes the construction site of Ban Dung. The deep holes in the trails were challenging. Thanks to the nice weather, a lot of construction material could reach the site. The construction works make according progresses. We can already recognize the different buildings. We are all very satisfied!:)
Status June, 2019: On June 19th, 2019 we receive new pictures and videos from Ban Dung. The buildings have grown visibly, some of them have a roof. First walls have been plastered.
Status July, 2019: On July 17th, 2019 we receive new pictures and videos from Ban Dung. The weather is good and the construction works are progressing well as scheduled. Some classrooms have tiles now.
Status August, 2019: On August 5th, 2019, we receive new pictures and videos from Ban Dung. More walls have been plastered and new floors covered with tiles. The rainy season has begun, but the construction works progress as scheduled.
Status September, 2019: On September 7th, 2019 we get new videos and pictures of Ban Dung. The new, wonderful classrooms are finished and furnished. The sanitary facilities and the kitchen as well. On September 5th, 2019 (school start) the teachers and the children enjoy their first lessons in the new school building. The construction of the schoolyard and the fence, as well as the greening will be the next steps. The official handover ceremony will take place on November 4th, 2019. We will be on the site and report.
Status November, 2019: On November 4th, 2019 our team was on the site (Isabelle Müller and Corinna Buchholz, at one’s own expenses and not at the expenses of the foundation). The new wonderful building was officially handed over to the teachers and students with a stunning handover ceremony including dances and songs. Various ethnic minorities were represented and amazed with their traditional costumes. In Ban Dung the LOAN Foundation (LOAN Stiftung) has anew made many people happy!:) We wish the commune, the teachers, the children and their families all the best for the future and much success!:)
Status May, 2020: We received on May 5th, 2020 actual pictures of Ban Dung. School has started again after a long compulsory break of some months due to Corona. Now it is strongly recommended to wash hands and wear masks – as far as possible. We wish to the children, the teachers and the commune of Duong Hong furthermore a healthy and successful time!:)
Status December, 2020: We receive actual pictures from Ban Dung on December 16th, 2020. You do not need any words to see the wonderful results of our successful work directly on the site.

Status September, 2021: The school in Ban Dung has started again. We have received new pictures of the daily life of the students. The new elementary school with kindergarten are well used. We are happy!:)

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